Sunday, April 27, 2014

Red Dance
At the Dance Garden
Saturday, April 27, 2014
The color RED was the theme for the dance tonight.
I invite you to check out some images from the event:
Kiva & Marie start to warm up the dance floor.
When the enchanted hour of 8:00 pm SLT rolled around, they were ready to welcome their guests.
Amza was a Lady in Red on the arm of Des.
Thank you for sponsoring a round of Trivia, Amza!
Snowhawk was joined by Adian on the dance floor.
Thank you for sponsoring a round of Trivia tonight, Snowhawk!
Kiyeri arrived for the fun.
Shivan & Gypsie know how to fashion the red.
Liska & Mr. Fox took several turns on the dance floor.
Geryn & Nyza enjoyed each other in red.
End of the night and Sock Monkey shows he can sport the red too!
Join us next time!
Next time being Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at 8:00 pm SLT
For the theme:  SWEETS
(Thinking of May Day Baskets and all of the colorful sweet treats,
or wear a cupcake in your hair, or hold an ice cream cone.  LOTS of options
are possible on Second Life!)
Coming up...
On Saturday, May 3, 2014
Time to show off the great music of the
(The decade of big hair, big shoulder pads and big musical talent!)
We look forward to seeing you then!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

At the Dance Garden
April 23, 2014 theme:
Yeah, we were celebrating that scary time of bell bottoms, 'fros and disco.
Check it out:
Kiva & Marie and their ultra distracting hair style.
Church & Snowhawk daning groovy.
Thank you so much for the round of Trivia, Snowhawk!
Aleahya & Odd joined us at the Dance Garden.
Des & Amza did some twerking!
Gypsie & Shivan are FAR OUT, Man!
Nyza & Geryn joined the fun.
Kiva & Marie got their 'fros cut even before getting off of the dance floor!
Sock Monkey appreciated that.
Join us next time...
Next time being Saturday, April 26, 2014
for the theme:  RED
Coming up...
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Theme:  SWEETS
(Thinking about May Day Baskets filled with goodies - candy colored clothes - etc.)
We look forward to seeing you then!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Look Back
4 Years of the
Fairport Joust
It all started in late April of 2010...
Kiva and Marie had been in Second Life for seven weeks since the closing of the
virtual world they had called their virtual home for a few years.
They got a couple parcels of land at the Margarettaville sim, putting a castle up, a shop area
for others who were designers in the other virtual world, and a jousting list.
There were no teams.  There were no groups.  There was no politics.
There were only jousters who wanted to ride, who wanted to shatter lances.
No one kept track of how many wins anyone had.  Every joust was a new chance to improve yourself.
And everyone helped each other learn.  You would watch the other jousters, and ask them questions.
There was no "school" except right there at the list.
And everyone would cheer for everybody.
People just wanted to...

A year and a half later, we owned our own sim, the Realm of Fairport.
The road that passed in front of the list got its name:
Here we celebrated:
As jousting groups formed, and more jousts were held around the grid,
the Fairport Joust was nudged out of their time slot, so we made lemonaid and
embraced Monday Night Jousting!
The NFL sort of became the Realm of Fairport Joust
and we were thrilled!  (And when the Green Bay Packers played on
Monday nights, you could count on Kiva & Marie to wear green & gold
at that evening's joust)
We celbrated our:
The day after Super Bowl Sunday, we hosted Super List Monday and gave out
Fairport Super List rings to all:
On Monday, April 21, 2014, we celebrated four years of weekly jousts:


Some people have asked why we are stopping our weekly joust.
For those who haven't asked us and would like the truth:  Altho we are together for jousts,
we have no time to talk to each other, to let each other know we're thinking about the other,
to give each other a teasing wink.  To put it simply, we're being romatically selfish
and want more Second Life "us time".  We are able to achieve that at our twice weekly dances,
 but not at the jousts.
So, we are replacing jousts with Second Life dates!
Please contact us if you have further questions.  :)
Coming up next:
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Dance theme:  70s SENSATION
After that:
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Dance theme:  RED

Sunday, April 20, 2014

What Kiva & Marie Did When SL Was Down
The Pink &/or Blue Dance event was cancelled due to Second Life maintenance issues,
so what did Kiva & Marie do?
They blew up and shot stuff on Saints Row the Third, of course!
(Marie looks grouchy cuz there is a PURPLE bar over her head)
Kiva & Marie are known as Brigand231 & Mrs231 on Steam.
Pirates Event on Saturday, April 19, 2014
Pirates boarded the Dance Garden for the Realm of Fairport Saturday night dance:
The group, early in the event.
It looks like either Marie is reaching for something or Kiva is pulling her closer.
Knowing them, it is likely both!
Gypsie looks ready for some swashbuckling!
Des & Amza don't need lifeboats, they have each other!
Thank you for sponsoring a round of Trivia, Des!
Geryn & Nyza cutting a rug on deck.
We were thrilled Luckyheart brought a bit of Easter to the event!
Snowhawk & Church (Church was showing us he was ready
for the Pink & Blue event).
Mr. Fox & Liska show us they aren't land lubbers tonight!
Thank you, Liska, for sponsoring a round of Trivia!
Kiva & Marie (the First Mate is a Sock Monkey) at the end of the night.
Join us next time...
Next time being Monday, April 21, 2014, for:
The Realm of Fairport's FOURTH ANNIVERSARY and FINAL WEEKLY JOUST!  The board opens at 6:30 pm SLT and the game begins at 7:00 pm SLT.  There will be an eight participant limit, but we invite all to share in this special occasion.  Yes, you heard right, we're done with weekly jousting.  We will hold spontaneous jousts whenever the mood strikes us.   We'll see you Monday!
Coming up:
Wednesday, April 23, 2014:  70s SENSATION